domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E414 Episodio Especial "Summer Blues 3" (02/08/2024)

TERCER EPISODI ESPECIAL "SUMMER BLUES". Tercer episodi especial, gravat amb una selecció de Blues amb cançons que van ser enregistrades durant les dues primeres dècades d'aquest segle. 25 artistes, amb 25 cançons que van sortir al mercat entre els anys 2000 i 2019. "Summer Blues 3", playlist amb dues hores de només Blues, sense parar, amb els artistes següents: Mary Taylor, Long John Hunter, Shemekia Copeland, Lolo Ortega & Esther Weeks, Laurie Morvan Band, Coco Montoya, Candye Kane Feat. Laura Chavez, Keith Hallett, Satan & Adam, Betta Berodia, Robert Belfour, Debbie Davies, Ñaco Goñi & Xulian Freire, Jane Lee Hooker, Finis Tasby, Slidin' Slim & The Soulbastards, Beatriz Zaragoza, Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, Dock & Friends (amb Miguel Talavera), Daniel Blanc, Cara Being Blue, The Suitcase Brothers, Andre Thierry, Velma Powell & Bluedays, i finalitzem amb Roy Gaines.

TERCER EPISODIO ESPECIAL "SUMMER BLUES". Tercer episodio especial, grabado con una selección de Blues con canciones que fueron grabadas durante las dos primeras décadas de este siglo. 25 artistas, con 25 canciones que salieron al mercado entre los años 2000 y 2019. "Summer Blues 3", playlist con dos horas de sólo Blues, sin parar, con los siguientes artistas: Mary Taylor, Long John Hunter, Shemekia Copeland, Lolo Ortega & Esther Weeks, Laurie Morvan Band, Coco Montoya, Candye Kane Feat. Laura Chavez, Keith Hallett, Satan & Adam, Betta Berodia, Robert Belfour, Debbie Davies, Ñaco Goñi & Xulian Freire, Jane Lee Hooker, Finis Tasby, Slidin' Slim & The Soulbastards, Beatriz Zaragoza, Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, Dock & Friends (con Miguel Talavera), Daniel Blanc, Cara Being Blue, The Suitcase Brothers, Andre Thierry, Velma Powell & Bluedays, y finalizamos con Roy Gaines.

THIRD SPECIAL EPISODE "SUMMER BLUES". Third special episode, recorded with a selection of Blues with songs that were recorded during the first two decades of this century. 25 artists, with 25 songs that were released between 2000 and 2019. "Summer Blues 3", playlist with two hours of only Blues, non-stop, with the following artists: Mary Taylor, Long John Hunter, Shemekia Copeland, Lolo Ortega & Esther Weeks, Laurie Morvan Band, Coco Montoya, Candye Kane Feat. Laura Chavez, Keith Hallett, Satan & Adam, Betta Berodia, Robert Belfour, Debbie Davies, Ñaco Goñi & Xulian Freire, Jane Lee Hooker, Finis Tasby, Slidin' Slim & The Soulbastards, Beatriz Zaragoza, Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, Dock & Friends (with Miguel Talavera), Daniel Blanc, Cara Being Blue, The Suitcase Brothers, Andre Thierry, Velma Powell & Bluedays, and we end with Roy Gaines.


(00:40) 1 Mary Taylor
Album: Victim Of Love (2000)
Song: Victim Of Love
(05:01) 2 Long John Hunter
Album: One Foot in Texas (2003)
Song: Talkin' Country
(10:13) 3 Shemekia Copeland
Album: Never Goin' Back (2009)
Song: Dirty Water
(14:54) 4 Lolo Ortega & Esther Weeks
Album: Yo Mismo (2009)
Song: Vudu Lolo
(19:51) 5 Laurie Morvan Band
Album: Fire It Up! (2009)
Song: Come On Over To My BBQ
(24:36) 6 Coco Montoya
Album: Hard Truth (2003)
Song: I'll Find Someone Who Will

(30:52) 7 Candye Kane Feat. Laura Chavez
Album: Sister Vagabond (2011)
Song: Everybody's Gonna Love Somebody Tonight
(35:16) 8 Keith Hallett
Album: Bear With Me (2008)
Song: Sweet Little Angel
(40:27) 9 Satan & Adam
Album: Back In The Game (2011)
Song: Big Boss Man
(44:09) 10 Betta Berodia
Album: My Inpiration (EP) (2015)
Song: Blues Land
(48:29) 11 Robert Belfour
Album: Pushin' My Luck (2003)
Song: Breaking My Heart
(53:24) 12 Debbie Davies
Album: Love Spin (2015)
Song: Love Spin

(58:03) 13 Ñaco Goñi & Xulian Freire
Album: At Cambayá Club (2013)
Song: Howlin' Blues
(63:17) 14 Jane Lee Hooker
Album: No B! (2016)
Song: Bumble Bee
(68:14) 15 Finis Tasby
Album: What My Blues Are All About (2005)
Song: Blues From Down Under
(72:21) 16 Slidin' Slim & The Soulbastards
Album: Live At Satyrblues 2008 (2009)
Song: Doggone Mean
(77:09) 17 Beatriz Zaragoza (con Ñaco Goñi)
Album: Queens of Blues (2019)
Song: Blues Ain't Nothing
(81:57) 18 Rick Estrin And The Nightcats
Album: You Asked For It...Live! (2014)
Song: Baker Man Blues

(87:49) 19 Dock & Friends (feat. Miguel Talavera)
Album: Twenty Five Years Ago (2018)
Song: Sunshine Blues
(93:26) 20 Daniel Blanc
Album: Uniquement Blues (2014)
Song: Le Blues Sans Un Flouze
(98:15) 21 Cara Being Blue
Album: Grit (2019)
Song: Leave Me In Flames
(101:55) 22 The Suitcase Brothers
Album: A Long Way From Home (2015)
Song: She's a Troublemaker
(107:21) 23 Andre Thierry
Album: Bouncin With The Blues (2015)
Song: Killing Floor

(111:50) 24 Velma Powell & Bluedays
Album: Step Into The Blues (2015)
Song: Lawyer
(115:15) 25 Roy Gaines
Album: New Frontier Lover (2000)
Song: Texas Millionaire



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