domingo, 28 de julio de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E413 Episodio Especial "Summer Blues 2" (26/07/2024)

SEGON EPISODI ESPECIAL "SUMMER BLUES"Segon episodi especial, gravat amb cançons del Blues que van ser gravades el segle passat. 27 artistes, amb 27 cançons que van sortir al mercat entre els anys 1954 i 1999. "Summer Blues 2", playlist amb dues hores de només Blues, sense parar, amb els artistes següents: Big Maybelle, B.B. King, Slim Harpo, Charles Walker, Big Mama Thornton, Algeciras Blues Express, Muddy Waters, Nina Simone, Lucille Spann, Louisiana Red, Drink Small, La Blues Band De Granada, Elmore James, Jimmy Reeves Jr., Alberta Hunter, Blue Monday, Zora Young, The Blues Machine, Jimi Hendrix (with Paul Caruso), Koko Taylor, Big Joe Duskin, Reidar Larsen, Lady Bianca, Riqui Sabatés y Los Obstinados, The Sandra Wright Band, Phil Guy, i finalitzem amb Alanda Williams.

SEGUNDO EPISODIO ESPECIAL "SUMMER BLUES"Segundo episodio especial, grabado con canciones del Blues que fueron grabadas el siglo pasado. 27 artistas, con 27 canciones que salieron al mercado entre los años 1954 y 1999. "Summer Blues 2", playlist con dos horas de sólo Blues, sin parar, con los siguientes artistas: Big Maybelle, B.B. King, Slim Harpo, Charles Walker, Big Mama Thornton, Algeciras Blues Express, Muddy Waters, Nina Simone, Lucille Spann, Louisiana Red, Drink Small, La Blues Band De Granada, Elmore James, Jimmy Reeves Jr., Alberta Hunter, Blue Monday, Zora Young, The Blues Machine, Jimi Hendrix (with Paul Caruso), Koko Taylor, Big Joe Duskin, Reidar Larsen, Lady Bianca, Riqui Sabatés y Los Obstinados, The Sandra Wright Band, Phil Guy, y finalizamos con Alanda Williams.

SECOND SPECIAL EPISODE "SUMMER BLUES"Second special episode, recorded with Blues songs that were recorded last century. 27 artists, with 27 songs that were released between 1954 and 1999. "Summer Blues 2", playlist with two hours of just Blues, non-stop, with the following artists: Big Maybelle, B.B. King, Slim Harpo, Charles Walker, Big Mama Thornton, Algeciras Blues Express, Muddy Waters, Nina Simone, Lucille Spann, Louisiana Red, Drink Small, La Blues Band De Granada, Elmore James, Jimmy Reeves Jr., Alberta Hunter, Blue Monday, Zora Young, The Blues Machine, Jimi Hendrix (with Paul Caruso), Koko Taylor, Big Joe Duskin, Reidar Larsen, Lady Bianca, Riqui Sabatés y Los Obstinados, The Sandra Wright Band, Phil Guy, and we end with Alanda Williams.

                               EPISODE PLAYLIST

(00:39) 1 Big Maybelle
Album: The Complete OKeh Sessions
Song: No More Trouble Out Of Me (1954)
(04:02) 2 B.B. King
Album: Mr. Blues (1963)
Song: Your Letter (bonus track)
(07:32) 3 Slim Harpo
Album: The Excello Singles Anthology
Song: Jody Man (1971)
(11:12) 4 Charles Walker
Album: Blues From the Apple (1974)
Song: Juice Headed Woman
(15:18) 5 Big Mama Thornton
Album: Ball N' Chain (1989)
Song: Ball N' Chain
(19:49) 6 Algeciras Blues Express
Album: Algeciras Blues Express (1985)
Song: All Your Love

(24:39) 7 Muddy Waters
Single: Take The Bitter With The Sweet (1959)
(27:46) 8 Nina Simone
Album: Nina Simone Sings The Blues (1967)
Song: Blues For Mama
(31:42) 9 Lucille Spann
Album: Cry Before I Go (1974)
Song: Sky Is Crying
(35:58) 10 Louisiana Red
Album: Anti-Nuclear Blues (1983)
Song: No More Destruction In This Land
(41:02) 11 Drink Small
Album: The Blues Doctor (1990)
Song: Something in the Milk Ain't Clean
(45:05) 12 La Blues Band De Granada
Album: El Mejor Blues De La Ciudad (1996)
Song: Sweet Little Angel

(50:53) 13 Elmore James
Single: The Sun Is Shining (1960)
(53:36) 14 Jimmy Reeves Jr.
Album: Born To Love Me (1971)
Song: Love That Woman
(58:21) 15 Alberta Hunter
Album: Remember My Name (1978)
Song: I Begged And Begged You
(61:35) 16 Blue Monday
Album: Murdered By Love (1986)
Song: I'm The Blues
(65:39) 17 Zora Young
Album: Stumbling Blocks And Stepping Stones (1988)
Song: Stumbling Blocks And Stepping Stones
(70:11) 18 The Blues Machine
Album: Here We Are (1997)
Song: Feed Up Worker Blues

(76:06) 19 Jimi Hendrix (with Paul Caruso)
Album: West Coast Seattle Boy
Song: Hear My Train a Comin' (1968)
(80:41) 20 Koko Taylor
Album: I Got What It Takes (1975)
Song: Blues Never Die
(84:36) 21 Big Joe Duskin
Album: Don't Mess With The Boogie Man (1988)
Song: So Long
(89:06) 22 Reidar Larsen
Album: Robbery (1993)
Song: Ain't That What Good Friends Are For
(94:01) 23 Lady Bianca
Album: Best Kept Secret (1995)
Song: Ooh, His Love Is So Good
(98:31) 24 Riqui Sabatés y Los Obstinados
Album: Perdidos en el Blues (1998)
Song: Hotel Room (instr.)

(105:16) 25 The Sandra Wright Band
Album: Shake You Down (1995)
Song: Who To Believe
(110:49) 26 Phil Guy
Album: ''Tina Nu'' (1985)
Song: Stone Crazy
(116:08) 27 Alanda Williams
Album: Kid Dynamite (1997)
Song: Kid Dynamite


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