domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E398 "Primavera in Black & Blues Novelties" (12/04/2024)

Episodi del 12 d'abril del 2024. Iniciem l'episodi amb el festival "Primavera in Black" 2024, informem de la programació i escoltarem música dels artistes participants del festival següents: J. Merino & Revolvert Roll Band, Iker Piris & Paul San Martín, Red House Revival, Kid Carlos Band i Travellin' Brothers. A "Some Blues Novelties" tenim nou novetats del Blues, de les seves ramificacions o estils afins, amb els nous treballs discogràfics de: Christine Santelli And Heather Hardy, Markus K, John Clifton, Raúl Rabadán T-Bonski, Robert Sampson, Michael Van Merwyk, Celso Salim & Darryl Carriere, JJ Milteau, i finalitzarem amb John Primer & Bob Corritore.

Episodio del 12 de Abril de 2024. Iniciamos el episodio con el festival "Primavera in Black" 2024, informamos de la programación y escucharemos música de los siguientes artistas participantes del festival: J. Merino & Revolvert Roll Band, Iker Piris & Paul San Martín, Red House Revival, Kid Carlos Band y Travellin' Brothers. En "Some Blues Novelties" tenemos nueve novedades del Blues, de sus ramificaciones o estilos afines, con los nuevos trabajos discográficos de: Christine Santelli And Heather Hardy, Markus K, John Clifton, Raúl Rabadán T-Bonski, Robert Sampson, Michael Van Merwyk, Celso Salim & Darryl Carriere, JJ Milteau, y finalizaremos con John Primer & Bob Corritore.

Episode from April 12, 2024.We start the episode with the "Primavera in Black" 2024 festival, we inform about the programming and we will listen to music from the following artists participating in the festival: J. Merino & Revolvert Roll Band, Iker Piris & Paul San Martín, Red House Revival, Kid Carlos Band, and Travellin' Brothers. In "Some Blues Novelties" we have nine Blues novelties, its branches or related styles, with the new albums by: Christine Santelli And Heather Hardy, Markus K, John Clifton, Raúl Rabadán T-Bonski, Robert Sampson, Michael Van Merwyk, Celso Salim & Darryl Carriere, JJ Milteau, and we will finish with John Primer & Bob Corritore.


1 J. Merino & Revolvert Roll Band
2 Iker Piris & Paul San Martín
3 Red House Revival
4 Kid Carlos Band
5 Travellin' Brothers


1 Christine Santelli And Heather Hardy
Album: Live In The Parlour (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Guilty 2) I Rise
2 Markus K
Album: Live With Looper No.2 (1/2024)
Songs: 1) C C Rider 2) Just A Shell (Feat. Roland Haulin)
3 John Clifton
Album: Too Much To Pay (2/2024)
Songs: 1) Swear To God I Do 2) The Problem

4 Raúl Rabadán T-Bonski
Album: Massala's Jump (3/2024)
Songs: 1) All You Got To Do Now 2) Deal With The Devil
5 Robert Sampson
Album: They Call Me Lefty Preacher (3/2024)
Songs: 1) Land Of Milk And Honey 2) They Call Me Lefty Preacher
6 Michael Van Merwyk
Album: Blues Everywhere I Go (3/2024)
Songs: 1) Abi's Boogie 2) Bye Bye Blues

7 Celso Salim & Darryl Carriere
Album: About Time (3/2024)
Songs: 1) BBQ 2) Make You Mine
8 JJ Milteau
Album: Key To The Highway (3/2024)
Songs: 1) Maggie's Farm 2) Sunshine Of Your Love
9 John Primer & Bob Corritore
Album: Crawlin' Kingsnake (3/2024)
Songs: 1) Chains And Things 2) Rosalee Blues


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