domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E391 "Remembering & Some Blues Novelties" (23/02/2024)

Episodi del 23 de Gener de 2024. Iniciem la playlist amb "Remembering", una selecció de nou cançons, que van ser gravades, en aquest episodi, entre els anys 1961 i 1997, amb els artistes següents: Snooks Eaglin, Joe Callicot, Frank Edwards, U.P. Wilson, The Jeff Healey Band, The One ’N’ Only Blues Band, Tonky Blues Band, Abi Wallenstein, Toni Lynn Washington. Després, a "Some Blues Novelties", presentem sis novetats del blues, de les seves ramificacions i estils afins, amb informació, i dues cançons de cadascun dels nous àlbums de: JB5, Wout Belleman, Brad "Guitar" Wilson, Smokehouse Porter & Mamie Porter, Tinsley Ellis, i finalitzem amb Albert Cummings.

Episodio del 23 de Enero de 2024. Iniciamos la playlist con "Remembering", una selección de nueve canciones, que fueron grabadas, en este episodio, entre los años 1961 y 1997, con los siguientes artistas: Snooks Eaglin, Joe Callicot, Frank Edwards, U.P. Wilson, The Jeff Healey Band, The One ’N’ Only Blues Band, Tonky Blues Band, Abi Wallenstein, Toni Lynn Washington. Después, en "Some Blues Novelties", presentamos seis novedades del blues, de sus ramificaciones y estilos afines, con información, y dos canciones de cada uno de los nuevos álbumes de: JB5, Wout Belleman, Brad "Guitar" Wilson, Smokehouse Porter & Mamie Porter, Tinsley Ellis, y finalizamos con Albert Cummings
Episode of January 23, 2024, We start the playlist with "Remembering", a selection of nine songs, which were recorded, in this episode, between 1961 and 1997, with the following artists: Snooks Eaglin, Joe Callicot, Frank Edwards, U.P. Wilson, The Jeff Healey Band, The One ’N’ Only Blues Band, Tonky Blues Band, Abi Wallenstein, Toni Lynn Washington. Then, in "Some Blues Novelties", we present six blues novelties, its ramifications and related styles, with information, and two songs from each of the new albums by: JB5, Wout Belleman, Brad "Guitar" Wilson, Smokehouse Porter & Mamie Porter, Tinsley Ellis, and we end with Albert Cummings.


1 Snooks Eaglin
Album: That's All Right (1961)
Song: Well, I Had My Fun (Goin' Down Slow)
2 Joe Callicot
Album: Ain't A Gonna Lie To You (1967)
Song: Fare Thee Well Blues
3 Frank Edwards
Album: Done Some Travelin' (1973)
Song: Alcatraz Blues

4 U.P. Wilson
Album: On My Way (1988)
Song: Reconsider Baby
5 The Jeff Healey Band
Album: Live From NYC (1988)
Song: Good Morning Blues
6 The One ’N’ Only Blues Band
Album: The One ’N’ Only Blues Band (1989)
Song: Back To Georgia

7 Tonky Blues Band
Album: Vudu Mamma (1991)
Song: Vudu Mamma
8 Abi Wallenstein
Album: Two Times 2 (1993)
Song: Alabama
9 Toni Lynn Washington
Album: It's My Turn Now (1997)
Song: It's My Turn Now


1 JB5
Album: Blues and Beyond (11/2023)
Songs: 1) Red House 2) The Thrill Is Gone
2 Wout Belleman
Album: Not So Innocent (12/2023)
Songs: 1) Not So Innocent 2) Pocket (Instrumental)
3 Brad “Guitar” Wilson
Album: Buckle Up! (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out 2) Step By Step

4 Smokehouse Porter & Mamie Porter
Album: My Ears Are Ringing (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Leave My Blues Alone 2) She Dog
5 Tinsley Ellis
Album: Naked Truth (2/2024)
Songs: 1) Hoochie Mama 2) Devil In The Room
6 Albert Cummings
Album: Strong (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Goin' Down Slow 2) Live Strong


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