domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E390 "Remembering & Some Blues Novelties" (16/02/2024)

Episodi del 16 de Febrer de 2024. Iniciem la playlist amb "Remembering", una selecció de nou cançons, que van ser gravades entre els anys 1965 i 1996, amb els artistes següents: James Cotton, Sunnyland Slim, Louisiana Red, Big Joe Duskin, Drink Small, Candye Kane, Marva Wright, Cordell Jackson, La Blues Band De Granada. Després, a "Some Blues Novelties", presentem sis novetats del blues, de les seves ramificacions i estils afins, amb informació, i dues cançons de cadascun dels nous àlbums de: Kirky TG & Sinkin' Down, Otilia Donaire, Travis Koester, Joe Louis & The Groove, Antonio Serrano, i finalitzem amb La Perra Blanco.

Episodio del 16 de Febrero de 2024. Iniciamos la playlist con "Remembering", una selección de nueve canciones, que fueron grabadas entre los años 1965 y 1996, con los siguientes artistas: James Cotton, Sunnyland Slim, Louisiana Red, Big Joe Duskin, Drink Small, Candye Kane, Marva Wright, Cordell Jackson, La Blues Band De Granada. Después, en "Some Blues Novelties", presentamos seis novedades del blues, de sus ramificaciones y estilos afines, con información, y dos canciones de cada uno de los nuevos álbumes de: Kirky TG & Sinkin' Down, Otilia Donaire, Travis Koester, Joe Louis & The Groove, Antonio Serrano, y finalizamos con La Perra Blanco.

Episode of February 16, 2024. We start the playlist with "Remembering", a selection of nine songs, which were recorded between 1965 and 1996, with the following artists: James Cotton, Sunnyland Slim, Louisiana Red, Big Joe Duskin, Drink Small, Candye Kane, Marva Wright, Cordell Jackson, La Blues Band De Granada. Then, in "Some Blues Novelties", we present six blues novelties, its ramifications and related styles, with information, and two songs from each of the new albums by: Kirky TG & Sinkin' Down, Otilia Donaire, Travis Koester, Joe Louis & The Groove, Antonio Serrano, and we end with La Perra Blanco.


1 James Cotton
Album: Chicago Sessions (1965)
Song: Sweet Sixteen
2 Sunnyland Slim
Album: Midnight Jump (1969)
Song: I Am The Blues
3 Louisiana Red
Album: Reality Blues (1980)
Song: Farmworkers Blues

4 Big Joe Duskin
Album: Don't Mess With The Boogie Man (1988)
Song: So Long
5 Drink Small
Album: The Blues Doctor (1990)
Song: Something in the Milk Ain't Clean
6 Candye Kane
Album: Home Cookin' (1994)
Song: Big Mama Candye's Blues

7 Marva Wright
Album: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (1995)
Song: Someone Else Is Stepping In
8 Cordell Jackson
Album: Live In Chicago (1996)
Song: The Blues Street
9 La Blues Band De Granada
Album: El Mejor Blues De La Ciudad (1996)
Song: Sweet Little Angel


1 Kirky TG & Sinkin' Down
Album: Kirky TG & Sinkin' Down (10/2023)
Songs: 1) All Your Love 2) Commit A Crime
2 Otilia Donaire
Album: Bluesin' It Up (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Meet Me In My Dreams 2) Voodoo Woman
3 Travis Koester
Album: Mister Travis (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Ain't That Bad 2) Give Me All Your Lovin'

4 Joe Louis & The Groove
Album: First Time I Saw You (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Love Me Until The End 2) The First Time I Saw You
5 Antonio Serrano
Album: Porter & Gershwin on Harmonica (2/2024)
Songs: 1) All Blues 2) Let's Do It
6 La Perra Blanco
Album: Get It Out (1/2024)
Songs: 1) Treat Me (Like a Man Should Do) 2) Why Don't You Love Me


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