domingo, 14 de julio de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E411 "Some Blues Novelties" (12/07/2024)

EPISODI del 12 de juliol de 2024, darrer episodi de la temporada 2023-2024. Com en temporades anteriors, per a aquest període de vacances, deixarem diversos episodis gravats, amb només música, amb dues hores de Blues non-stop. En aquest podcast, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", tenim una playlist de dotze novetats del Blues (de les seves ramificacions i estils afins), amb informació i dues cançons dels nous llançaments discografics de: Catfish John Tisdell, The SuperSoul Brothers, Chris Cain (single), Sam Joyner, Dennis Jones, Sugaray Rayford, Lara Price, Mr. Shingles (single), Reverend Freakchild, Sierra Green & The Giants, True Blues Brother, i finalitzem l'episode amb Richard White.

EPISODIO del 12 de Julio de 2024, último episodio de la temporada 2023-2024. Como en temporadas anteriores, para este periodo vacacional, dejaremos varios episodios grabados, con sólo música, con dos horas de Blues non-stop. En este podcast, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", tenemos una playlist de doce novedades del Blues (de sus ramificaciones y estilos afines), con información y dos canciones de los nuevos lanzamientos discograficos de: Catfish John Tisdell, The SuperSoul Brothers, Chris Cain (single), Sam Joyner, Dennis Jones, Sugaray Rayford, Lara Price, Mr. Shingles (single), Reverend Freakchild, Sierra Green & The Giants, True Blues Brother, y finalizamos el episodio con Richard White.

EPISODE of July 12, 2024, last episode of the 2023-2024 season. As in previous seasons, for this holiday period, we will leave several episodes recorded, with only music, with two hours of non-stop Blues. In this podcast, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", we have a playlist of twelve Blues novelties (of its branches and related styles), with information and two songs from the new record releases of: Catfish John Tisdell, The SuperSoul Brothers, Chris Cain (single), Sam Joyner, Dennis Jones, Sugaray Rayford, Lara Price, Mr. Shingles (single), Reverend Freakchild, Sierra Green & The Giants, True Blues Brother, and we end the episode with Richard White.


1 Catfish John Tisdell
Album: Don't Look Back (4/2024)
Songs: 1) Need Your Love So Bad 2) Traveling Riverside Blues
2 The SuperSoul Brothers
Album: By The Way (5/2024)
Songs: 1) By The Way 2) Changing The People (Take My Hand)
3 Chris Cain
Single: Fear Is My New Roommate (5/2024)
4 Sam Joyner
Album: Come What May (I Always Love You) (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Hoochie Coochie Man 2) It's That Mojo That Makes Me Stay

5 Dennis Jones
Album: About Time (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Just Like You 2) Mother Earth
6 Sugaray Rayford
Album: Human Decency (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Aha 2) Ain't That A Man
7 Lara Price
Album: Half & Half (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Evidence 2) Things Ain't Everything
8 Mr. Shingles
Single: 4th July (6/2024)

9 Reverend Freakchild
Album: Bare Bones (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Hippy Bluesman Blues 2) Tears Of Fire
10 Sierra Green & The Giants
Album: Here We Are (6/2024)
Songs: 1) Can You Get To That 2) Same Old Blues
11 True Blues Brother
Album: The Legacy of Matt 'Guitar' Murphy (6/2024)
Songs: 1) I Can't Quit You Baby 2) Way Down South
12 Richard White
Album: Undivided Intention (7/2024)
Songs: 1) Glory Road 2) Small Minded Blues


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