domingo, 26 de mayo de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E404 "Remembering & Some Blues Novelties" (24/05/2024)

EPISODI del 24 de maig de 2024. Iniciem amb "Remembering", una selecció de nou cançons, que van ser gravades el segle passat, en aquest episodi, des del 1972 al 1998 amb els artistes següents: Henry Johnson, Louisiana Red, Mojo Buford, Luther "Houserocker" Johnson, Gary Primich w. Honey B & The T-Bones, Phillip Walker w. Otis Grand, Reidar Larsen, Lonnie Pitchford, Mark Hummel. Després, a "Some Blues Novelties", presentem sis novetats del blues (de les seves ramificacions i estils afins), amb els nous àlbums de: Fred Chapellier, Inga Rumpf, Noé Socha, Cass Clayton Band, Toronzo Cannon, i acabem amb Noa Perseidas.

EPISODIO del 24 de Mayo de 2024. Iniciamos con "Remembering", una selección de nueve canciones, que fueron grabadas el siglo pasado, en este episodio, desde 1972 a 1998 con los siguientes artistas: Henry Johnson, Louisiana Red, Mojo Buford, Luther "Houserocker" Johnson, Gary Primich w. Honey B & The T-Bones, Phillip Walker w. Otis Grand, Reidar Larsen, Lonnie Pitchford, Mark Hummel. Después, en "Some Blues Novelties", presentamos seis novedades del blues (de sus ramificaciones y estilos afines), con los nuevos álbumes de: Fred Chapellier, Inga Rumpf, Noé Socha, Cass Clayton Band, Toronzo Cannon, y finalizámos con Noa Perseidas.

EPISODE of May 24, 2024. We begin with "Remembering", a selection of nine songs, which were recorded last century, in this episode, from 1972 to 1998 with the following artists: Henry Johnson, Louisiana Red, Mojo Buford, Luther "Houserocker" Johnson, Gary Primich w. Honey B & The T-Bones, Phillip Walker w. Otis Grand, Reidar Larsen, Lonnie Pitchford, Mark Hummel. Then, in "Some Blues Novelties", we present six blues novelties (from its branches and related styles), with the new albums of: Fred Chapellier, Inga Rumpf, Noé Socha, Cass Clayton Band, Toronzo Cannon, and we finish with Noa Perseidas.


1 Henry Johnson
Album: The Union County Flash! (1972)
Song: My Dog's Blues
2 Louisiana Red
Album: Anti-Nuclear Blues (1983)
Song: No More Destruction In This Land
3 Mojo Buford
Album: State of the Blues Harp (1989)
Song: Come Home Baby

4 Luther ''Houserocker'' Johnson
Album: Takin' A Bite Outta The Blues (1990)
Song: Cryin' and Thinkin'
5 Gary Primich w. Honey B & The T-Bones
Album: Maantiekiitäjät '91 (1991)
Song: Early In The Morning
6 Phillip Walker w. Otis Grand
Album: Big Blues From Texas (1992)
Song: Big Blues From Texas

7 Reidar Larsen
Album: Robbery (1993)
Song: Ain't That What Good Friends Are For
8 Lonnie Pitchford
Album: All Around Man (1994)
Song: This Is the Blues
9 Mark Hummel
Album: Low Down To Uptown (1998)
Song: I'm Hooked


1 Fred Chapellier
Album: Live In Paris (3/2024)
Songs: 1) Don't Take Me For A Loser 2) If You Be My Baby
2 Inga Rumpf
Album: Live At Rockpalast 2006 (4/2024)
Songs: 1) Backwater Blues 2) Undercover Agent For The Blues
3 Noé Socha
Album: Simple Blues Boy (4/2024)
Songs: 1) 2 Train Blues feat. Adam Levy 2) Solemn Contemplation

4 Cass Clayton Band
Album: Midnight In A Bottle (5/2024)
Songs: 1) First Thing Smoking 2) We're All Going Down
5 Toronzo Cannon
Album: Shut Up Play (6/2024)
Songs: 1) I Hate Love 2) My Woman Loves Me Too Much
6 Noa Perseidas
Album: Who I Am (5/2024)
Song: Silence Broken


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