domingo, 29 de octubre de 2023

Crossroads Blues Radio E375 "Blues Selection & Some Blues Novelties" (27/10/2023)

Episodi del 27 d'octubre del 2023. Al nostre primer apartat, "October Blues Selection", tenim una selecció d'artistes o bandes, amb cançons gravades durant les dues primeres dècades d'aquest segle, amb: DC Bellamy, Aron Burton, Galea, Katherine Davis, Alex Caporuscio, Lazy Lester, Backdoor Blues Band, Clarence 'Bluesman' Davis & Jock Webb, Stefano Ronchi & Marcos Coll. Després, a "Some Blues Novelties", l'apartat de novetats discogràfiques del Blues, tenim una selecció, amb dues cançons de cadascun dels nous àlbums de: Damian Duflos Blues Band, Jack's Waterfall, Tomislav Goluban, Elspeth Cowie, Candice Ivory, Joe Bonamassa, i finalitzem amb "les satàniques Majestats", The Rolling Stones i el seu "Rolling Stone Blues".

Episodio del 27 de Octubre de 2023. En nuestro primer apartado, "October Blues Selection", tenemos una selección de artistas o bandas, con canciones grabadas durante las dos primeras décads de este siglo, con: DC Bellamy, Aron Burton, Galea, Katherine Davis, Alex Caporuscio, Lazy Lester, Backdoor Blues Band, Clarence 'Bluesman' Davis & Jock Webb, Stefano Ronchi & Marcos Coll. Después, en "Some Blues Novelties", el apartado de novedades discográficas del Blues, tenemos una selección, con dos canciones de cada uno de los nuevos albumes de: Damian Duflos Blues Band, Jack's Waterfall, Tomislav Goluban, Elspeth Cowie, Candice Ivory, Joe Bonamassa, y finalizamos con "sus satánicas Majestades", The Rolling Stones y su "Rolling Stone Blues". 

Episode of October 27, 2023. In our first section, "October Blues Selection", we have a selection of artists or bands, with songs recorded during the first two decades of this century, with: DC Bellamy, Aron Burton, Galea, Katherine Davis, Alex Caporuscio, Lazy Lester, Backdoor Blues Band, Clarence 'Bluesman' Davis & Jock Webb, Stefano Ronchi & Marcos Coll. Then, in "Some Blues Novelties", the section on Blues record releases, we have a selection, with two songs from each of the new albums by: Damian Duflos Blues Band, Jack's Waterfall, Tomislav Goluban, Elspeth Cowie, Candice Ivory, Joe Bonamassa, and we end with "their satanic Majesties", The Rolling Stones and their "Rolling Stone Blues".


1 DC Bellamy
Album: Water To Wine (2000)
Song: Out Of The Safety Zone
2 The Aron Burton Chicago Blues Band
Album: The Cologne Sessions (2001)
Song: Bloody Tears
3 Galea feat. (Popa Chuby)
Album: Diary Of A Bad Housewife (2005)
Song: Let's Run Together

4 Katherine Davis and The Chicago Boogie Ensemble
Album: Rock This House - Live! (2006)
Song: Rock This House
5 Alex Caporuscio
Album: Alex Caporuscio (2010)
Song: When You Lose Your Women
6 Lazy Lester
Album: One More Once (2010)
Song: The Sun Is Shining

7 Backdoor Blues Band
Album: Let Me Play With Your Poodle (2011)
Song: Jenny
8 Clarence 'Bluesman' Davis & Jock Webb
Album: Before You Accuse Me (2016)
Song: Before You Accuse Me
9 Stefano Ronchi & Marcos Coll
Album: Street Preachin' (2017)
Song: Long Legs Blues


1 Damian Duflos Blues Band
Album: Fontana 978 Sessions Vol.1 (7/2023)
Songs: 1) Everything s Gonna Be Allright 2) Key To The Highway
2 Jack's Waterfall
Album: Call Dr. John (8/2023)
Songs: 1) Big Chief On A Holiday 2) Lift Your Spirit Up
3 Tomislav Goluban
Album: Crazy Hill live (9/2023)
Song: 1) Brzi Vlak 2) Fun Starts Here
4 Elspeth Cowie
Song: The House of the Rising Sun (10/2023)

5 Candice Ivory     
Album: When The Levee Breaks 
''The Music of Memphis Minnie'' (10/2023)
Songs: 1) Hard Down Lie 2) World of Trouble
6 Joe Bonamassa
Album: Blues Deluxe Vol. 2 (10/2023)
Songs: 1) Win-O 2) The Truth Hurts (feat. J.Smith & K.Fletcher)
7 The Rolling Stones
Album: Hackney Diamonds (10/2023)
Song: Rolling Stone Blues


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