domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E440 "Blueswomen Novelties & More" (07/03/2025)

Episodi de 7 de Març de 2025, titulat “BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE”, en celebració del 8 de març, Dia Internacional de la Dona. El primer apartat està protagonitzat per dones del Blues (dels seus diferents estils i variants) i de les seves novetats discogràfiques, amb la següent PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. L'episodi continua amb les set novetats següents: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, finalitzem amb Osidados.

Episodio de 7 de Marzo de 2025, titulado "BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE", en celebración del 8 de Marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer. El primer apartado esta protagonizado por mujeres del Blues (de sus diferentes estilos y variantes) y de sus novedades discográficas, con la siguiente PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. El episodio continua con las siguientes siete novedades: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, finalizamos con Osidados.

Episode of March 7, 2025, titled "BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE", in celebration of March 8, International Women's Day. The first section features women of the Blues (in its different styles and variants) and their new recordings, with the following PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. The episode continues with the following seven new features: We will continue with the following seven new features: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, we finish with Osidados.


1 KAT BLUE & The True Believers
Album: Start Believin' (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Soulshine 2) Twelve Bar Blues
Album: Shades of Blue (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Catfish Blues 2) It's Not My Cross To Bear
3 CECILYA & The Candy Kings
SIngle: Parisian Mambo (02/2025)
Album: Cougar On The Prowl (02/2025)
Songs: 1) I Need A Car Drivin' Man 2) It's Still Yours

Single: I Feel It Once Again (02/2025)
6 Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN
Single: Carry On This Way (02/2025)
Single: Keep Me In Mind Out Now (02/2025)
8 The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX
Single: I'd Rather Go Blind (03/2025)

9 The Too Bad Jims
Album: Over The Hill “A Tribute To RL Burnside” (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Black Mattie 2) Going Down South
10 David L.H. & The Po’boys
Album (EP): Little Hands Blues (01/2025)
Song: Gettin' Old
11 Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch
Album: Promised Land Blues (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Pursuit Of Happiness 2) Reckonin' Blues
12 Little Freddie King
Album: I Use To be Down (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Can't Do Nothing Baby 2) Going Upstairs

13 Victor Aneiros
Single: Un Tute á Morte (02/2025)
14 Daddy Mack Blues Band
Album: Doctor's Orders (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Love Power 2) Mississippi Woman
15 Osidados
Single: Blues is Alright (02/2025)


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