domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2021

Crossroads Blues Radio P273 "Blues fet a Catalunya" (11/09/2021)

Després de l'aturada estiuenca, amb aquest Programa, iniciem la nova temporada de Crossroads Blues Radio. El Programa es diu “Blues fet a Catalunya”. Coincidint amb la Diada Nacional de Catalunya, tenim un programa amb una selecció, una petita mostra d'artistes catalans, i de diferents estils del blues. Al final del programa, informem breument del festival BCNBluesCAMP, que se celebra el 18 de Setembre. PLAYLIST: Joan Pau Cumellas & Miguel Talavera, Qblues3, Nahuel Moller, Alex Thomas, Big Mama Montse y Sister Marion, Alex Zayas, The Suitcase Brothers, Amadeu Casas & Miriam Swanson, Blas Picón's Three Time Losers, Tófol Martínez Blues Band, Gang Wolf Lightnin', The Rusties Blues Band, Elena Ley y Miguel Talavera, The Blues Prisoners, Malacara & Wilson Band, i finalitzem amb Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta. 

Después del parón veraniego, iniciamos la nueva temporada de Crossroads Blues Radio. El Programa se llama “Blues fet a Catalunya”. Coincidiendo con la Diada Nacional de Catalunya, tenemos un programa con una selección, una pequeña muestra de artistas catalanes, y de diferentes estilos del blues. Al final del programa, informamos brevemente del festival BCNBluesCAMP, que se celebra el 18 de Septiembre. PLAYLIST: Joan Pau Cumellas y Miguel Talavera, Qblues3, Nahuel Moller, Alex Thomas, Big Mama Montse y Sister Marion, Alex Zayas, The Suitcase Brothers, Amadeu Casas & Miriam Swanson, Blas Picón's Three Time Losers, Tófol Martínez Blues Band, Gang Wolf Lightnin', The Rusties Blues Band, Elena Ley y Miguel Talavera, The Blues Prisoners, Malacara & Wilson Band, y finalizamos con Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta.

After the summer break, we started the new season of Crossroads Blues Radio. The program is called “Blues fet a Catalunya”. Coinciding with the National Day of Catalonia, we have a program with a selection, a small sample of Catalan artists, and different styles of blues. At the end of the program, we briefly inform about the BCNBluesCAMP festival, which takes place on September 18. PLAYLIST: Joan Pau Cumellas and Miguel Talavera, Qblues3, Nahuel Moller, Alex Thomas, Big Mama Montse and Sister Marion, Alex Zayas, The Suitcase Brothers, Amadeu Casas & Miriam Swanson, Blas Picón's Three Time Losers, Tófol Martínez Blues Band, Gang Wolf Lightnin ', The Rusties Blues Band, Elena Ley and Miguel Talavera, The Blues Prisoners, Malacara & Wilson Band, and we end with Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta.



Joan Pau Cumellas & Miguel Talavera
Cançó: Train Smoke Blues

QBlues3 (Queralt Albinyana Blues Trio)
Cançó: You got to know how

Nahuel Moller
Cançó: Done Nothin' Wrong

Álex Thomas
Cançó: Deadwood Roadblock

Big Mama Montse - Sister Marion
Cançó: Suspicious Woman

Alex Zayas
Canço: Deal with the Blues

The Suitcase Brothers
Canço: She's a Troublemaker

Amadeu Casas & Myriam Swanson
Canço: Blues On The Ceiling

Blas Picón's Three Time Losers
Canço: Gonna Take No Advice

Tófol Martínez Blues Band
Canço: Bluesman

Gang Wolf Lightnin'
Canço: Travellin' Blues

The Rusties Blues Band
Canço: Milkcow's Calf Blues

Elena Ley & Miguel Talavera
Canço: Dance with the Devil

The Blues Prisoners
Canço: As a Saint

Malacara & Wilson Band
Canço: Good Morning School Girl

Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta
Canço: That's Allright


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