domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E419 "September Blues Selection" (27/09/2024)

Episodi del 27 de Setembre de 2024. "September Blues Selection", una selecció de 20 artistes, amb 20 cançons que van ser gravades durant les dues primeres dècades d'aquest segle, amb la següent playlist: Adriana Bozzi, Akina McKenzie, Bernard Allison, Big Daddy D & The Dynamites, Casey Hensley, Chino Swingslide & Victor Puertas, Duke Robillard Band, Eleanor Ellis, Fontaine Brown, J. Leino & The Blues Guys, The Hoochie Coochie Men Feat. Jon Lord, Karise Eden, Little Mike & The Tornadoes, Raul Alemany & Albert Aguiar, Sax Gordon & Lluis Coloma, South Side Slim, The Blues Prisoners, Will 'Harmonica' Wilde, Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith & Roger Hurricane Wilson, finalitzem lépisodi amb Willie Buck.

Episodio del 27 de Septiembre de 2024. "September Blues Selection", una selección de 20 artistas, con 20 canciones que fueron grabadas durante las dos primeras décadas de este siglo, con la siguiente playlist: Adriana Bozzi, Akina McKenzie, Bernard Allison, Big Daddy D & The Dynamites, Casey Hensley, Chino Swingslide & Victor Puertas, Duke Robillard Band, Eleanor Ellis, Fontaine Brown, J. Leino & The Blues Guys, The Hoochie Coochie Men Feat. Jon Lord, Karise Eden, Little Mike & The Tornadoes, Raul Alemany & Albert Aguiar, Sax Gordon & Lluis Coloma, South Side Slim, The Blues Prisoners, Will 'Harmonica' Wilde, Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith & Roger Hurricane Wilson, finalizamos el episodio con Willie Buck.

Episode from September 27, 2024. "September Blues Selection", a selection of 20 artists, with 20 songs that were recorded during the first two decades of this century, with the following playlist: Adriana Bozzi, Akina McKenzie, Bernard Allison, Big Daddy D & The Dynamites, Casey Hensley, Chino Swingslide & Victor Puertas, Duke Robillard Band, Eleanor Ellis, Fontaine Brown, J. Leino & The Blues Guys, The Hoochie Coochie Men Feat. Jon Lord, Karise Eden, Little Mike & The Tornadoes, Raul Alemany & Albert Aguiar, Sax Gordon & Lluis Coloma, South Side Slim, The Blues Prisoners, Will 'Harmonica' Wilde, Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith & Roger Hurricane Wilson, we end the episode with Willie Buck.


1 Adriana Bozzi
Album: Blues & Jeans (2015)
(02':51'') Song: Tu Blues
2 Akina McKenzie
Album: Miracle Man (2016)
(06':55'') Song: The Red Bench Blues
3 Bernard Allison
Album: Blue Haze (2000)
(11':38'') Song: Here My Train Comin'
4 Big Daddy D & The Dynamites -
Album: That's D Blues (2003)
(16':49'') Song: Have You Seen My Baby (Dizzy Blues)

5 Casey Hensley Feat. Laura Chavez
Album: Live (2017)
(23':38'') Song: I Just Want To Make Love To You
6 Chino Swingslide & Victor Puertas
Album: Goin' Away (2017)
(30':25'') Song: Goin' Away
7 Duke Robillard Band
Album: Explorer (2000)
(37':43'') Song: Soulful
8 Eleanor Ellis
Album: Comin’ a Time (2007)
(43':34'') Song: Sun’s Gonna Shine One Day

9 Fontaine Brown
Album: Tales From The Fence Line (2008)
(49':40'') Song: Fence Line
10 J. Leino & The Blues Guys
Album: From Now On (2001)
(55':34'') Song: Sensation, Communication Together
11 The Hoochie Coochie Men Feat. Jon Lord -
Album: Danger White Men Dancing (2008)
(62':06'') Song: Hoochie Coochie Men
12 Karise Eden
Album: My Journey (2014)
(67':32'') Song: I'd Rather Go Blind

13 Little Mike & The Tornadoes
Album: All The Right Moves (2014)
(71':55'') Song: Close To My Baby
14 Raul Alemany & Albert Aguiar
Album: Rock & Blue (2015)
(79':41'') Song: Bluesville
15 Sax Gordon & Lluis Coloma
Album: Racan & Roll (2014)
(84':58'') Song: La Anguila
16 South Side Slim
Album: Raising Hell (2001)
(91':07'') Song: I Wish I Was Blind

17 The Blues Prisoners
Album: Maqueta (2015)
(98':28'') Song: Crawlin' Kingsnake
18 Will 'Harmonica' Wilde
Album: Nothin' But Trouble (2008)
(101':28'') Song: I'm Tired
19 Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith & Roger Hurricane Wilson
Album: Live Blues (2012)
(105':56'') Song: Got My Mojo Workin'
20 Willie Buck
Album: The Life I Love (2010)
(114':30'') Song: How Can I Be Nice To You


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