domingo, 2 de junio de 2024

Crossroads Blues Radio E405 "May Blues Selection" (31/05/2024)

EPISODIO del 31 de Mayo de 2024. "May Blues Selection", una selección de 20 artistas, con 20 canciones que fueron grabadas entre los años 2000 y 2017, con la siguiente playlist: Linwood Taylor Band, Dave Hole, Bluff City Backsliders,Teresa James, The Honeymen, Slidin' Slim & Big Fred, Felix Cabrera, Little Rachel, Mike Sponza, Deborah Bonham, Hettel Street Blues, Rachelle Plas, Sarah & The Tall Boys, A Contra Blues, Bluedays, 145th Street, Felix Slim, Uncle Sinner, Junior Johnny, finalizamos el episodio con Quique Gómez & His Vipers.

EPISODI del 31 de Maig del 2024. "May Blues Selection", una selecció de 20 artistes, amb 20 cançons que van ser gravades entre els anys 2000 i 2017, amb la següent playlist: Linwood Taylor Band, Dave Hole, Bluff City Backsliders,Teresa James, The Honeymen, Slidin' Slim & Big Fred, Felix Cabrera, Little Rachel, Mike Sponza, Deborah Bonham, Hettel Street Blues, Rachelle Plas, Sarah & The Tall Boys, A Contra Blues, Bluedays, 145th Street, Felix Slim, Uncle Sinner, Junior Johnny, finalitzem l'episodi amb Quique Gómez & His Vipers.

EPISODE of May 31, 2024. "May Blues Selection", a selection of 20 artists, with 20 songs that were recorded between 2000 and 2017, with the following playlist: Linwood Taylor Band, Dave Hole, Bluff City Backsliders,Teresa James, The Honeymen, Slidin' Slim & Big Fred, Felix Cabrera, Little Rachel, Mike Sponza, Deborah Bonham, Hettel Street Blues, Rachelle Plas, Sarah & The Tall Boys, A Contra Blues, Bluedays, 145th Street, Felix Slim, Uncle Sinner, Junior Johnny, We end the episode with Quique Gómez & His Vipers.


1 Linwood Taylor Band
Album: Make Room for the Paying Customer (2000)
(00':39'') Song: Don't Dis Me
2 Dave Hole
Album: Outside Looking In (2001)
(08':48'') Song: How Long
3 Bluff City Backsliders
Album: Bluff City Backsliders (2002)
(15':10'') Song: Everybody Ought to Make a Change
4 Teresa James
Album: Oh Yeah! (2003)
(20':12'') Song: I'll Find Someone Who Will

5 The Honeymen
Album: Juke Joint Special (2004)
(26':04'') Song: Spoonful
6 Slidin' Slim & Big Fred
Album: Ten Long Years (2004)
(31':05'') Song: I Know Pain
7 Felix Cabrera
Album: For Green (2004)
(36':38'') Song: Cold, Cold
8 Little Rachel
Album: 'Cause I Feel Good (2005)
(43':47'') Song: Spiderwoman Blues

9 Mike Sponza
Album: Kakanic Blues (2005)
(48':01'') Song: Five Long Years
10 Deborah Bonham
Album: Duchess (2008)
(54':49'') Song: Duchess And The Shufflemeister
11 Hettel Street Blues
Album: Start It Up (2007)
(60':17'') Song: Top Of My Game
12 Rachelle Plas
Album: Profile (2012)
(67':28'') Song: Fire look

13 Sarah & The Tall Boys
Album: A Lifetime Worth Of Sin (2010)
(72':35'') Song: Texas
14 A Contra Blues
Album: A Contra Blues II (2010)
(79':58'') Song: Frozen Streets
15 Bluedays
Album: Todojunto (2013)
(84':44'') Song: Sólo una Noche
16 145th Street
Album: Pure Mud (2014)
(89':30'') Song: Can't Lose What You Ain't Never Had

17 Felix Slim
Album: Midtown Blues (2014)
(96':34'') Song: See My Jumper
18 Uncle Sinner
Album: Let The Devil In (2015)
(103':06'') Song: Little Girl In Rome
19 Junior Johnny
Album: My Radio (2016)
(109':13'') Song: No More Lonely
20 Quique Gómez & His Vipers
Album: Dealin' With The Blues (2017)
(115':34'') Song: Honey Bee


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