domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E440 "Blueswomen Novelties & More" (07/03/2025)

Episodi de 7 de Març de 2025, titulat “BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE”, en celebració del 8 de març, Dia Internacional de la Dona. El primer apartat està protagonitzat per dones del Blues (dels seus diferents estils i variants) i de les seves novetats discogràfiques, amb la següent PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. L'episodi continua amb les set novetats següents: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, finalitzem amb Osidados.

Episodio de 7 de Marzo de 2025, titulado "BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE", en celebración del 8 de Marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer. El primer apartado esta protagonizado por mujeres del Blues (de sus diferentes estilos y variantes) y de sus novedades discográficas, con la siguiente PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. El episodio continua con las siguientes siete novedades: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, finalizamos con Osidados.

Episode of March 7, 2025, titled "BLUESWOMEN NOVELTIES & MORE", in celebration of March 8, International Women's Day. The first section features women of the Blues (in its different styles and variants) and their new recordings, with the following PLAYLIST: KAT BLUE & The True Believers; EVAN NICOLE BELL; CECILYA & The Candy Kings; MS. JODY; ANNE HARRIS; Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN, ALLY VENABLE y The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX. The episode continues with the following seven new features: We will continue with the following seven new features: The Too Bad Jims; David L.H. & The Po’boys; Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch; Little Freddie King; Victor Aneiros; Daddy Mack Blues Band, we finish with Osidados.


1 KAT BLUE & The True Believers
Album: Start Believin' (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Soulshine 2) Twelve Bar Blues
Album: Shades of Blue (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Catfish Blues 2) It's Not My Cross To Bear
3 CECILYA & The Candy Kings
SIngle: Parisian Mambo (02/2025)
Album: Cougar On The Prowl (02/2025)
Songs: 1) I Need A Car Drivin' Man 2) It's Still Yours

Single: I Feel It Once Again (02/2025)
6 Misty Blues with GINA COLEMAN
Single: Carry On This Way (02/2025)
Single: Keep Me In Mind Out Now (02/2025)
8 The Soulful Trio feat. STER WAX
Single: I'd Rather Go Blind (03/2025)

9 The Too Bad Jims
Album: Over The Hill “A Tribute To RL Burnside” (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Black Mattie 2) Going Down South
10 David L.H. & The Po’boys
Album (EP): Little Hands Blues (01/2025)
Song: Gettin' Old
11 Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch
Album: Promised Land Blues (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Pursuit Of Happiness 2) Reckonin' Blues
12 Little Freddie King
Album: I Use To be Down (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Can't Do Nothing Baby 2) Going Upstairs

13 Victor Aneiros
Single: Un Tute á Morte (02/2025)
14 Daddy Mack Blues Band
Album: Doctor's Orders (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Love Power 2) Mississippi Woman
15 Osidados
Single: Blues is Alright (02/2025)


domingo, 2 de marzo de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E439 "February Blues Selection" (28/02/2025)

Episodi del 28 de Febrer de 2025. Episodi, "FEBRUARY BLUES SELECTION", una selecció de divuit artistes amb cançons que van ser gravades durant les dues primeres dècades d'aquest segle, amb la següent PLAYLIST: Frank Salvato, Big Mama & Joan Pau Cumellas, Billy C. Farlow, Nat Dove, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Nanette Workman, Tony Joe White, Paul Orta & Peter Krause & Michael Maass, Bill Wyman's Bootleg Kings, Sugarcane Collins, Monster Mike Welch, Bharath & His Rhythm Four, Nasty Boogie, Amanda Shaw, Amadeu Casas i August Tharrats i Nono Fernández, Amanda Jackson Band, Fred Chapellier, finalitzem amb Nacho Salmerón.

Episodio del 28 de Febrero de 2025. Episodio, "FEBRUARY BLUES SELECTION", una selección de dieciocho artistas con canciones que fueron grabadas durante las dos primeras décadas de este siglo, con la siguiente PLAYLIST: Frank Salvato, Big Mama & Joan Pau Cumellas, Billy C. Farlow, Nat Dove, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Nanette Workman, Tony Joe White, Paul Orta & Peter Krause & Michael Maass, Bill Wyman's Bootleg Kings, Sugarcane Collins, Monster Mike Welch, Bharath & His Rhythm Four, Nasty Boogie, Amanda Shaw, Amadeu Casas i August Tharrats i Nono Fernández, Amanda Jackson Band, Fred Chapellier, finalizamos con Nacho Salmerón.

Episode of February 28, 2025. Episode, "FEBRUARY BLUES SELECTION", a selection of eighteen artists with songs that were recorded during the first two decades of this century, with the following PLAYLIST: Frank Salvato, Big Mama & Joan Pau Cumellas, Billy C. Farlow, Nat Dove, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Nanette Workman, Tony Joe White, Paul Orta & Peter Krause & Michael Maass, Bill Wyman's Bootleg Kings, Sugarcane Collins, Monster Mike Welch, Bharath & His Rhythm Four, Nasty Boogie, Amanda Shaw, Amadeu Casas i August Tharrats i Nono Fernández, Amanda Jackson Band, Fred Chapellier, and we finish with Nacho Salmerón.


1) Frank Salvato (USA)
Album: Blues On My Trail (2000)
Song: Sneakin' Cheatin' Woman
2) Big Mama & Joan Pau Cumellas (Spain)
Album: Stir The Pot (2001)
Song: Believed
3) Billy C. Farlow (USA)
Album: Southern Moon (2001)
Song: Southern Moon
4) Nat Dove (USA)
Album: Deep Blues Experience (2001)
Song: Wang Dang Doodle
5) Alvin Youngblood Hart (USA)
Album: Down In The Alley (2002)
Song: Alberta

6) Nanette Workman (USA-Canada)
Album: Vanilla Blues Cafe (2003)
Song: I Lost My Baby
7) Tony Joe White (USA)
Album: Feeling Snakey (2003)
Song: Feeling Snakey
8) Paul Orta, Peter Krause, Michael Maass (USA-Germany)
Album: Coolstep (2004)
Song: Boogie Till You Drop
9) Bill Wyman's Bootleg Kings (UK)
Album: Jump, Jive And Wail (2006)
Song: I Put A Spell On You
10) Sugarcane Collins (Australia)
Album: Way Down The River (2006)
Song: Way Down The River

11) Monster Mike Welch (USA)
Album: All The Love In The World (2007)
Song: I'm Gonna Move To Another Country
12) Bharath & His Rhythm Four (Canada)
Album: Tsunami (2009)
Song: Blue Lights
13) Nasty Boogie (Spain)
Album: Moanin´at Midnight (2009)
Song: Too Tired
14) Amanda Shaw (USA)
Album: Good Southern Girl (2010)
Song: Blues De La Frontier
15) Amadeu Casas, August Tharrats, Nono Fernández (Spain-Chile)
Album: Pocket Concerts (2015)
Song: Kidney Stew Blues

16) Amanda Jackson Band (Canada)
Album: Live at Harmony House (2016)
Song: Before the Night Is Through
17) Fred Chapellier (France)
Album: It Never Comes Easy (2016)
Song: It Never Comes Easy
18) Nacho Salmerón (Spain)
Album: Blues Therapy (2021)
Song: Hey 


domingo, 23 de febrero de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E438 "Some Blues Novelties" (21/02/2025)

Episodi del 21 de Febrer de 2025. "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", episodi amb una selecció de dotze novetats del Blues, dels seus diferents estils i variants, amb un total de vint-i-una cançons amb la següent PLAYLIST: Kris Rab, The Anthony Paule Soul Orchestra, Kenny 'Blues Boss' Wayne, Jeff Espinoza + The Gypsy Runners, Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings, C.T. Powell & Bluedays, Andrea De Luca (single), Big Joe Shelton (single), Tomislav Goluban w. Crooked Eye Tommy, Mick Clarke, Lluís Coloma & ''Blue Lou'' Marini (single), finalitzem amb Jones & Kid - Ladies In Blue.

Episodio del 21 de Febrero de 2025. "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", episodio con una selección de doce novedades del Blues, de sus diferentes estilos y variantes, un total de veintiuna canciones con la siguiente PLAYLIST: Kris Rab, The Anthony Paule Soul Orchestra, Kenny 'Blues Boss' Wayne, Jeff Espinoza + The Gypsy Runners, Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings, C.T. Powell & Bluedays, Andrea De Luca, Big Joe Shelton (single), Tomislav Goluban w. Crooked Eye Tommy, Mick Clarke, Lluís Coloma & ''Blue Lou'' Marini (single), finalizamos con Jones & Kid - Ladies In Blue.

Episode of February 21, 2025. "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", episode with a selection of twelve new Blues releases, of its different styles and variants, with a total of twenty-one songs with the following PLAYLIST: Kris Rab, The Anthony Paule Soul Orchestra, Kenny 'Blues Boss' Wayne, Jeff Espinoza + The Gypsy Runners, Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings, C.T. Powell & Bluedays, Andrea De Luca (single), Big Joe Shelton (single), Tomislav Goluban w. Crooked Eye Tommy, Mick Clarke, Lluís Coloma & ''Blue Lou'' Marini (single), we finish with Jones & Kid - Ladies.


1 Kris Rab
Album: It's About Time (9/2024)
Songs: 1) Sweet and Loving Woman 2) Won't Mean a Thing
2 The Anthony Paule Soul Orchestra
Album: What Are You Waiting For? (10/2024)
Songs: 1) You Ain’t Old ’Til You Cold 2) You’re Somebody Else’s Baby Too
3 Kenny 'Blues Boss' Wayne
Album: Ooh Yeah (11/2024)
Songs: 1) That Crazy Monkey 2) Whatcha Gonna Do Now
4 Jeff Espinoza + The Gypsy Runners
Album: Lost Dogs Of The Universe (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Bikers & Groupies 2) Hobo's Highway

5 Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings
Album: Blues All Over The Place (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Same Old Blues 2) T-Bone Shuffle
6 C.T. Powell & Bluedays
Album: I’m a Woman (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Hound Dog 2) Tell Better Lies
7 Andrea De Luca
Single: I Just Can't Get It (02/2025)
8 Big Joe Shelton
Single: Chitlin' Lovin' Man (01/2025)

9 Tomislav Goluban w. Crooked Eye Tommy
Album: Nashville Road (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Bad Choices Make Good Stories 2) Keep On Moving On
10 Mick Clarke
Album: Bad Whisky Blues (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Bad Bad Whisky 2) Help Me
11 Lluís Coloma & ''Blue Lou'' Marini
Single: We Like To Groove! (02/2025)
12 Jones & Kid - Ladies In Blue
Album: Jones & Kid - Ladies In Blue (02/2025)
Songs: 1) Sister Rosetta's Medley 2) Dope Head Blues


domingo, 16 de febrero de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E437 REMEMBERING "Some Blues Anniversaries" (16/02/2025)

Episodi del 14 de Febrer de 2025. La playlist de l'episodi, titulat REMEMBERING "Some Blues Anniversaries", està dedicada en record d'artistes que els seus aniversaris de naixement van ser durant el mes de gener. Tretze grans artistes del Blues i un total de 26 cançons. PLAYLIST: Lead Belly, Elizabeth Cotten, Sam Chatmon, Sleepy John Estes, Tampa Red, Fred McDowell, Roosevelt Sykes, Jay McShann, Elmore James, Slim Harpo, Ruth Brown, Eddy Clearwater i Katie Webster. 

Episodio del 14 de Febrero de 2025. La playlist del episodio, titulado REMEMBERING "Some Blues Anniversaries", está dedicada en recuerdo de artistas que sus aniversarios de nacimiento fueron durante el mes de Enero. Trece grandes artistas del Blues y un total de 26 canciones. PLAYLIST: Lead Belly, Elizabeth Cotten, Sam Chatmon, Sleepy John Estes, Tampa Red, Fred McDowell, Roosevelt Sykes, Jay McShann, Elmore James, Slim Harpo, Ruth Brown, Eddy Clearwater y Katie Webster.

Episode of February 14, 2025. The episode's playlist, titled REMEMBERING "Some Blues Anniversaries," It is dedicated to the memory of artists whose birth anniversaries were during the month of January. Thirteen great Blues artists and a total of 26 songs. PLAYLIST: Lead Belly, Elizabeth Cotten, Sam Chatmon, Sleepy John Estes, Tampa Red, Fred McDowell, Roosevelt Sykes, Jay McShann, Elmore James, Slim Harpo, Ruth Brown, Eddy Clearwater and Katie Webster.

"Some Blues Anniversaries"

Lead Belly
Songs: 1) In New Orleans 2) Yellow Women's Doorbells
Elizabeth Cotten
Songs: 1) Jumpin' Jack 2) When I'm Gone
Sam Chatmon
Songs: 1) Baby Please Come Back to Me 2) That's All Right
Sleepy John Estes
Songs: 1) Airplace 2) Easin' Back To Tennessee

Tampa Red
Songs: 1) Georgia, Georgia 2) You Got to Love Her With a Feeling
Fred McDowell
Songs: 1) My Babe 2) Fred McDowell's Blues
Roosevelt Sykes
Songs: 1) 44 Blues 2) Love The One You'Re With
Jay McShann
Songs: 1) Confessin The Blues 2) Rollin' With Roland

Elmore James
Songs: 1) Dust My Broom 2) The Sun Is Shining
Slim Harpo
Songs: 1) I'm A King Bee 2) Sittin' Here Wondering
Ruth Brown
Songs: 1) 5-10-15 Hours 2) I Want To Do More
Eddy Clearwater
Songs: 1) Check Up On My Baby 2) Chicago Daily Blues
Katie Webster
Songs: 1) Basin Street Blues 2) Two Fisted Mama


domingo, 9 de febrero de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E436 "Some Blues Novelties" (07/02/2025)

Episodi del 7 de Febrer de 2025. A la playlist d'aquest episodi, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", tenim una selecció de dotze novetats del Blues, dels seus diferents estils i variants, amb un total de vint-i-una cançons i els NOUS ALBUMS DE: Kenny Wayne Shepherd, CW Ayon, Terry Marshall, Greg Koch, Anna Black, Chino Swingslide & Tota Blues, Manzanita Blues, Vargas Blues Band, Starlite and Campbell (single), Larkin Poe, Popa Chuby feat. Joe Bonamassa (single), finalitzem amb el darrer single de Malacara Blues Band.

Episodio del 7 de Febrero de 2025. En la playlist de este episodio, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", tenemos una selección de doce novedades del Blues, de sus diferentes estilos y variantes, con un total de veintiuna canciones y los NUEVOS ALBUMES DE: Kenny Wayne Shepherd, CW Ayon, Terry Marshall, Greg Koch, Anna Black, Chino Swingslide & Tota Blues, Manzanita Blues, Vargas Blues Band, Starlite and Campbell (single), Larkin Poe, Popa Chuby feat. Joe Bonamassa (single), finalizamos con el último single de Malacara Blues Band. 

Episode of February 7, 2025. In the playlist of this episode, "SOME BLUES NOVELTIES", we have a selection of twelve new Blues releases, of its different styles and variants, with a total of twenty-one songs and the NEW ALBUMS OF: Kenny Wayne Shepherd, CW Ayon, Terry Marshall, Greg Koch, Anna Black, Chino Swingslide & Tota Blues, Manzanita Blues, Vargas Blues Band, Starlite and Campbell (single), Larkin Poe, Popa Chuby feat. Joe Bonamassa (single), we finish with the latest single from Malacara Blues Band.


1 Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Album: Dirt On My Diamonds Vol. 2 (9/2024)
Songs: 1) Pressure 2) Watch You Go
2 CW Ayon
Album: Bounce Boogie & Jump (09/2024)
Songs: 1) Off The Ground 2) Southwest Mama
3 Terry Marshall & Friends
Album: Living The Blues (10/2024)
Songs: 1) Hoochie Coochie Man 2) Voodoo Woman
4 Greg Koch
Album: Blues (11/2024)
Song: Stormy Monday

5 Anna Black
Album: Jammin' (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Iceman 2) Drinkin' Daddy
6 Chino Swingslide & Tota Blues
Album: Between Heaven & Hell (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Sister Kate 2) Between Heaven & Hell
7 Manzanita Blues
Album: Gamblin' On The Groove (12/2024)
Songs: 1) Drop Dead Broke 2) Throbbin'
8 Vargas Blues Band
Album: Blues The Healer (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Blues Is The Power 2) Last Night

9 Starlite and Campbell
Single: Song To The Siren (01/2025)
10 Larkin Poe
Album: Bloom (01/2025)
Songs: 1) Bluephoria 2) If God Is a Woman
11 Popa Chuby feat Joe Bonamassa
Album: I Love Freddie King (03/2025)
Single: I'm Going Down (01/2025)
12 Malacara Blues Band
Single: A Place To Let My Hat (02/2025)


domingo, 2 de febrero de 2025

Crossroads Blues Radio E435 "January Blues Selection" (31/01/2025)

Episodi del 31 de Gener de 2025. En aquest episodi, "JANUARY BLUES SELECTION", hi ha una selecció de vint artistes amb cançons que van ser gravades durant les dues primeres dècades d'aquest segle, amb la següent PLAYLIST: Alberta Adams, Jimmy Johnson, Little Boy Quique, Little Will & Marcio Scialis, Boogie Workers, 2000 Lbs Of Blues, Monster Mike Welch, Jodie Cash Fingers, Reverb Rockers, The Flaming Mudcats, The John Fenlon Band, Amanda Blue, Ito Soto & Slappin' Combo, Charlie Parr, Sugarpie & The Candymen, Crazy Hambones, Los Blues Morning Singers, Blue Harlem, Bill 'Howl-N-Madd' Perry, finalitzem amb Segarra Inn Blues.

Episodio del 31 de Enero de 2025. En este episodio, "JANUARY BLUES SELECTION", hay una selección de veinte artistas con canciones que fueron grabadas durante las dos primeras décadas de este siglo, con la siguiente PLAYLIST: Alberta Adams, Jimmy Johnson, Little Boy Quique, Little Will & Marcio Scialis, Boogie Workers, 2000 Lbs Of Blues, Monster Mike Welch, Jodie Cash Fingers, Reverb Rockers, The Flaming Mudcats, The John Fenlon Band, Amanda Blue, Ito Soto & Slappin' Combo, Charlie Parr, Sugarpie & The Candymen, Crazy Hambones, Los Blues Morning Singers, Blue Harlem, Bill 'Howl-N-Madd' Perry, finalizamos con Segarra Inn Blues.

Episode from January 31, 2025. In this episode, "JANUARY BLUES SELECTION", there is a selection of twenty artists with songs that were recorded during the first two decades of this century, with the following PLAYLIST: Alberta Adams, Jimmy Johnson, Little Boy Quique, Little Will & Marcio Scialis, Boogie Workers, 2000 Lbs Of Blues, Monster Mike Welch, Jodie Cash Fingers, Reverb Rockers, The Flaming Mudcats, The John Fenlon Band, Amanda Blue, Ito Soto & Slappin' Combo, Charlie Parr, Sugarpie & The Candymen, Crazy Hambones, Los Blues Morning Singers, Blue Harlem, Bill 'Howl-N-Madd' Perry, and we finish with Segarra Inn Blues.


1) Alberta Adams
Album: Detroit's Queen Of The Blues (2006)
Song: Chains Of Love
2) Jimmy Johnson
Album: Every Day Of Your Life (2019)
Song: Somebody Loan Me A Dime
3) Little Boy Quique
Album: They Call Me Little Boy (2011)
Song: Automobile Blues
4) Little Will & Marcio Scialis
Album: Harmonica Duo (2014)
Song: Freedom
5) Boogie Workers
Album: It's Boogie Time... (2000)
Song: Slow G

6) 2000 Lbs Of Blues
Album: Soul Of A Sinner (2009)
Song: Real Bad Woman
7) Monster Mike Welch
Album: Live And In Lockdown (2020)
Song: Please
8) Jodie Cash Fingers
Album: Rollin' Swingin' (2016)
Song: Call Me The Breeze
9) Reverb Rockers
Album: Nickel Plated Blues (2001)
Song: Nickel Plated Blues
10) The Flaming Mudcats
Album: Gave You What You Wanted (2012)
Song: Gimme What You Got

11) The John Fenlon Band
Album: Practice What You Preach (2002)
Song: Sky Is Green, Grass Is Blue
12) Amanda Blue
Album: Amanda Blue Live (2014)
Song: Loving You. Letting Go
13) Ito Soto & Slappin' Combo
Album: Blues For Lucia (2015)
Song: Caledonia
14) Charlie Parr
Album: 1922 (2008)
Song: Funeral Road Blues
15) Sugarpie & The Candymen
Album: Swing'N'Roll (2011)
Song: Bonnie And Clyde Blues

16) Crazy Hambones
Album: Blowin The Family Jewels (2007)
Song: Sun's Gonna Shine
17) Los Blues Morning Singers
Album: Los Blues Morning Singers (2015)
Song: Am I Wrong
18) Blue Harlem
Album: Talk To Me (2005)
Song: Talk To Me Baby (Long Gone Blues)
19) Bill “Howl-N-Madd” Perry
Album: The Way Of Blues (2008)
Song: Song From 'Hell'
20) Segarra Inn Blues
Album: Segarra Inn Blues (2022)
Song: Un Viejo Blues